Start dates
INFO-Evening - EVERY Tuesday kl 04:00 pm
Date | Time |
02.04.2025 | 18:00 |
14.05.2025 | 18:00 |
25.06.2025 | 18:00 |
06.08.2025 | 18:00 |
17.09.2025 | 18:00 |
29.10.2025 | 18:00 |
Dato og tid | Beskrivelse |
… because we are probably one of the best motorcycle instructors in COPENHAGEN. DINTRAFIKSKOLE teaches in groups of no more than 3 trainees. We always have intensive, short courses in english, so you are finished with the whole course within 6 to 8 weeks. This bears out in an amazing pass rate.
Choose your level – Beginner to Advanced
As a 18-year-old, you can acquire a motorcycle driving license for a motorcycle category A1.
you are allowed to ride a scooter/moped or motorbike with a maximum engine size of up to 125cc
At the age of 20, you can acquire a motorcycle driving license for a medium-sized motorcycle category A2
The A2 license is restricted for people who want a full motorcycle license, but do not see themselves riding a motorcycle over 46 hp (35kw).
This is the most powerful motorbike license available to those under the age of 24. The A2 motorbike license allows you to carry passengers, ride on motorways, so is to all intensive purposes a full motorcycle license, only with a power restriction.
As a 24-year-old, you can acquire a motorcycle driving license for a large motorcycle category A.
This unrestricted license is only available to those aged 24 and over, and the test must be passed on a 595cc bike or above with a power output of at least 40kw (53.6 bhp).
Once you have passed the license, you will be entitled to immediately ride any powered bike of your choice, carry passengers and use motorways.
If you want to stop your driving license course
If you want to stop your driving license process, we will refund the part of the package you have not used. The parts of the package you have consumed are set off according to our list price. You thus lose the discount that is in the mandatory package.
You will receive your lesson plan, so you have the opportunity to continue your course at another driving school, if you wish.
The Mandatory MC package including the indvidual price for the different can be seen as follows:
29 theory lessons | Kr. 2600,- |
4 lessons on closed maneuver track | Kr. 2200,- |
13 lessons on the road | Kr. 7000,- |
5 lessons on slippery track (glatbane) | Kr. 2600,- |
I alt 51 lektioner á 45 min. | Kr. 14400,- |
You may start for the license 3 month before 18 years.
Date | Time |
02.04.2025 | 18:00 |
14.05.2025 | 18:00 |
25.06.2025 | 18:00 |
06.08.2025 | 18:00 |
17.09.2025 | 18:00 |
29.10.2025 | 18:00 |
Dato og tid | Beskrivelse |
SPECIAL OFFER - Motorcycle Mandaory Package(Spar Kr. 4401,-) |
Kr. 9.999,- |
The following prices are not included in Mandatory package | |
Administraion charges | Kr. 400,- |
Online theory material (valid for 120 days) (Extension of online theory costs 299 kr. ) |
Kr. 500,- |
Theory Book (Hard copy) | Kr. 350,- |
Test charges to traffic authorities (payment link from your e-boks) | Kr. 1210,- |
Administration charges when booking a theory OR practical test | Kr. 250,- |
Practical test including a driving test including warm-up of 45 min | Kr. 1400,- |
Rent for track (practical test day) | Kr. 850,- |
Extra driving lessons for 45 minutes | Kr. 500,- |
Installments - one time charges (Max 3 installments) | Kr.500,- |
Mini driving lessons package of 10 lessons (10x45 min). | Kr. 4750,- (spar 500 kr) |
Intreprator (needed for both theoretical and practical) | Kr. 850,- |
*First Aid Course (only needed if you dont have a car driving license) | Kr. 799,- |
Cancellation of driving lessons policy
Driving lessons must be cancelled at least 24 hours before the agreed driving. In case of late cancellation, you will be charged the full amount. In case of illness, the driving school requires a medical certificate
Validity of a driving package
A package has a validity period of 12 months.
Customer reviews
Here you can read what our customers have to say about us.
ENGLISH. Jeg har taget kørekort ved Yaser Javed gennem Lyngby Køreskole, og kan klart anbefale ham som kørelærer. Yaser er flink, tålmodig og pædagogisk, og han interesserer sig for hvem man er som menneske, hvilket alt sammen gør ham til en meget behagelig lærer og godt selskab til køretimerne.
Jeg bestod både teori- og køreprøve første gang, og vil anbefale Yaser til enhver anden, der skal tage kørekort.
Amer er en super fleksibel og tålmodig kørelærer. Han lytter til dine ønsker og behov. Jeg var meget usikker og bange for at køre bil, men han lærte mig at stole på mig selv ?
Det var et super forløb.
Var glad for teori undervisningen.
Køretimerne med Yaser var også super gode.
Jeg tog trailerkort og det var helt igennem en god oplevelse fra start til slut. God undervisning, og super gode forklaringer på undringsspørgsmål og då bare altid i godt humør.
Det vil klart blive et sted jeg vil anbefale fremover!????
Suspendisse et lobortis erat, ut luctus eros. Quisque id aliquam turpis. Curabitur aliquam sem in metus sagittis dapibus.
Cras quis pellentesque purus. Etiam lobortis hendrerit lectus, nec ullamcorper diam dapibus non. In elementum felis eu urna aliquet, nec condimentum felis pellentesque.
Pellentesque placerat semper sapien a dignissim. Fusce commodo ac urna id fermentum. Nam a fringilla neque. Integer lectus enim, convallis vitae est nec, iaculis lobortis quam. Nunc malesuada feugiat placerat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut ero labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.
Date | Time |
02.04.2025 | 18:00 |
14.05.2025 | 18:00 |
25.06.2025 | 18:00 |
06.08.2025 | 18:00 |
17.09.2025 | 18:00 |
29.10.2025 | 18:00 |