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Driving school in Kgs. Lyngby and Nordsjælland

We are a driving school consisting of patient and experienced driving instructors in Nordsjælland. We place great emphasis on all teaching taking place in a serious and safe environment, where everyone can participate, so you can safely acquire your driving license. Thus, we ensure you the best possible ballast as a new road user.

Contact us

Driving instructors who are affiliated with the driving school are:

  • ​Amer Javed (70605652)
  • Yaser Javed (26855889)

We teach the following in Nordsjælland (Hillerød / Kgs. Lyngby):

  • Category B driving license
  • Motorcycle
  • Trailer
  • Crash course 3 weeks
  • ​Special driving instruction (Re-acquisition by driving ban)
  • Controlling driving test / Re-acquisition
  • Routine timer
  • Driving license in english

Dine kørelærere





​If you walk around with the dream of cruising on the Danish roads, then Din Trafikskole also offers a driving license for a motorcycle.

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At Din Trafikskole in Lyngby near Virum and Holte, we can help you acquire a trailer driving license.

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Crash course

Do you need to get a driver's license fast? Take the entire legal package for driving licenses in approx. 3 weeks.

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INFO-Evening - EVERY Tuesday kl 04:00 pm

INFO Evening - Every Tuesday 04:30 p.m

Please contact for more details !!!

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INFO-Evening - EVERY Tuesday kl 04:00 pm


Date            Time    
02.04.2025 18:00
14.05.2025 18:00
25.06.2025 18:00
06.08.2025 18:00
17.09.2025 18:00
29.10.2025 18:00

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Please call for more information

Dato TID Beskrivelse 

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INFO-Evening - EVERY Tuesday kl 04:00 pm


Date            Time    


02.04.2025 18:00
14.05.2025 18:00
25.06.2025 18:00
06.08.2025 18:00
17.09.2025 18:00
29.10.2025 18:00

Register here !!

Introduction evening -  Tuesday kl 16:00 

Please call for more information 

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First Aid Course (English) - 799 kr 

8 hrs course 

Dato Tid
09.11.2024 09:00

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INFO Evening - Every Tuesday 04:30 p.m

Please contact for more details !!!

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Driving license

Driving licenses are acquired under safe conditions

When can you get a driver's license? You can start 3 months before you turn 18. However, it is now possible as from 1 January 2017 to start driving school when you are 17 years.

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Driving license for

Motorcycle driving license in Lyngby

​If you walk around with the dream of cruising on the Danish roads, then Din Trafikskole also manages a driving license for a motorcycle. You can start 3 months before you turn 18 years old.

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Customer reviews

Here you can read what our customers have to say about us.

ENGLISH. Jeg har taget kørekort ved Yaser Javed gennem Lyngby Køreskole, og kan klart anbefale ham som kørelærer. Yaser er flink, tålmodig og pædagogisk, og han interesserer sig for hvem man er som menneske, hvilket alt sammen gør ham til en meget behagelig lærer og godt selskab til køretimerne.

Jeg bestod både teori- og køreprøve første gang, og vil anbefale Yaser til enhver anden, der skal tage kørekort.

Amer er en super fleksibel og tålmodig kørelærer. Han lytter til dine ønsker og behov. Jeg var meget usikker og bange for at køre bil, men han lærte mig at stole på mig selv ?

Det var et super forløb.
Var glad for teori undervisningen.
Køretimerne med Yaser var også super gode.

Jeg tog trailerkort og det var helt igennem en god oplevelse fra start til slut. God undervisning, og super gode forklaringer på undringsspørgsmål og då bare altid i godt humør.

Det vil klart blive et sted jeg vil anbefale fremover!????

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